- 分类:科幻未来
- 字数:125745
- 状态:全本
- 更新:2023-01-28
一封神秘的信件,一场发生在两年前的灭门惨案,其后隐藏的究竟是── 年近三十的落魄私家侦探钟东学,虽然对福尔摩斯等名侦探相当憧憬,无奈却天天过着寻找猫狗和抓人外遇的无趣日子。 直到某天,钟东..
- 梓易丫[科幻]【恐怖游戏】人家才没有开外挂(NP)
- 夜晚与星空[科幻]全息模拟犯罪直播,我只演一次
- 幻海浮声[科幻]幽瑟(星际1V1)
- 生椰拿铁饼干[科幻]第二封遗书1V1灵异BG
- 双言寺[科幻]玄门美人星际养崽指南
- 彼岸花[科幻]怪谈公寓
- Rational Lunatic[科幻]蓝与白
- 等爱[科幻]不会吧?!恶魔爱上肥宅了?!
- 罗宾nono[科幻]警惕,人工智能会 (np)
- 赵骏[科幻]灰瞳
- 范黎[科幻]看不见的病人
- 初秋微寒[科幻]模拟犯罪十万次,我竟成王牌神探
- 文之天涯[科幻]规则怪谈:我听到了成神之路
- The Final Letter(完)
- The Final Letter(3-2)
- The Final Letter(3-1)
- The Final Letter(2-4)
- The Final Letter(2-3)
- The Final Letter(2-2)
- The Final Letter(2-1)
- The Final Letter(1-7)
- The Final Letter(1-6)
倒序 ↑- 楔子
- The First Letter
- The First Letter(1-1)
- The First Letter(1-2)
- The First Letter(1-3)
- The First Letter(2-1)
- The First Letter(2-2)
- The First Letter(3-1)
- The First Letter(3-2)
- The First Letter(3-3)
- The First Letter(4-1)
- The First Letter(4-2)
- The First Letter(4-3)
- The First Letter(4-4)
- The Second Letter
- The Second Letter(1-1)
- The Second Letter(1-2)
- The Second Letter(2-1)
- The Second Letter(2-2)
- The Second Letter(3-1)
- The Second Letter(3-2)
- The Second Letter(3-3)
- The Third Letter
- The Third Letter(1-1)
- The Third Letter(1-2)
- The Third Letter(1-3)
- The Third Letter(2-1)
- The Third Letter(2-2)
- The Third Letter(3-1)
- The Third Letter(3-2)
- The Third Letter(3-3)
- The Third Letter(4-1)
- The Third Letter(4-2)
- The Fourth Letter
- The Fourth Letter(1-1)
- The Fourth Letter (1-2)
- The Fourth Letter (1-3)
- The Fourth Letter (2-1)
- The Fourth Letter (2-2)
- The Fourth Letter (2-3)
- The Fourth Letter (3-1)
- The Fourth Letter (3-2)
- The Fourth Letter (3-3)
- The Fourth Letter (4-1)
- The Fourth Letter (4-2)
- The Final Letter
- The Final Letter(1-1)
- The Final Letter(1-2)
- The Final Letter(1-3)
- The Final Letter(1-4)
- The Final Letter(1-5)
- The Final Letter(1-6)
- The Final Letter(1-7)
- The Final Letter(2-1)
- The Final Letter(2-2)
- The Final Letter(2-3)
- The Final Letter(2-4)
- The Final Letter(3-1)
- The Final Letter(3-2)
- The Final Letter(完)
末世玩物生存指南(NP 产乳 强制爱)
每天都有在努力的榨精(NP 高H)
- [其他类型]赌 (校园,1V1)
- [其他类型](快穿)被狠狠疼爱的恶毒女配
- [其他类型]病态强宠(1V1,强制爱)
- [其他类型]每天都干翻你(NP,高H)
- [其他类型]淫荡骚穴夜夜操(NP,高H)
- [其他类型]以婚为名 (高干 婚恋 1v1)
- [其他类型]漫漫娇淫(H)
- [其他类型]小情妇(甜宠1V1 高H)
- [都市生活]误入男寝(np 高h)
- [都市生活]下雨天(1V1H)
- [都市生活]被各路大佬强制爱了(NP 高H)
- [其他类型]与狐说 (1v1 h)
- [都市生活]荔枝有迹(1v1办公室恋情)
- [其他类型]家教(1V1 H)
- [穿越历史]传闻她鲜嫩多汁(快穿 高H)
- [都市生活]皎皎(古言1v1 高h)
- [都市生活]勾引老公(1v1甜H)
- [都市生活]白羊(校园1v1)
- [都市生活]参加直播做爱综艺后我火了(NPH)
- [其他类型]惜惜(NPH)
- [都市生活]暗恋[校园 1v1]
- [都市生活]夺爱(1v1 勾引上位)
- [其他类型]潮沙(1v1)
- [都市生活]异常现象(婚后H)